At Assess School, we are connecting all the social and professional dots for global educators!

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Our Company

Assess School is the platform that puts educators in the driver’s seat. We curate a platform where educators can connect and share experiences both positive and negative so you can make the best informed decision for your next career stop.

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We are a company that connects educators

A water fountain for those in education industry. We let educators connect and create lasting bonds. This is through the conversations and collaborations they hold on this platform for the greater good. Those in the industry know that education is a calling and a great responsibility. As such it can be incredibly stressful in ways that are unique. We thus provide a safe environment to let these hardworking educators connect and support each other on these long journeys filled with many significant ups as well as downs.

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We Make the Educators’ Social & Professional Interactions Effortless

Whether you are a veteran global educator, a recent graduate or just switching careers into education, this place is for you. A place to connect and share first hand experiences with those who are or have worked at that international school you are thinking of applying to. Hear their first-hand experience about anything from the work environment, school leadership style, classrooms, the quality of the students, the hiring practices, the facilities, to canteen food, etc. Get as full a picture as you can and avoid future headaches. 

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We Put The Educator In The Driver’s Seat

There is a lack of safe space specifically for educators around the globe to connect and share experiences. While there are excellent schools out there, the reality is there are a vast number of schools that are the opposite. Due to the imbalance between employer / employee relationships, educators rarely have enough real first-hand information to make as informed decisions about their prospective high churn prospective employers before they sign on the dotted line. This network aims to change that for the benefit of all. 

Social Network

Start growing your social and professional network


Chat with colleagues and friends in real time

Job Search

Find your great new school that fits you


Moving to a new country, sell that couch/table/etc

Class Resources

Find curated teaching material


Get timely insights from the field

Our Current Team

The dedicated group of passionate team members who are making sure the Assess School platform stays up and running.

Jonas Rydberg

Co-Founder CEO

Martina Lindstrom

Co-Founder CEO

Josephine Tanaka

Lead Developer

Wallen Mphepo, PhD

AI Consultant

Emily van Hicks

Full Stack Developer

Peter Ruiz

Full Stack Developer